Weekly Update

Sunday Mornings at WPC
8:15 am - Chapel Service
9:30 am - Christian Education for all ages
10:30 am - Sanctuary Service
Both monthly and year-to-date pledge giving continue to be strong, especially during these summer months when churches have historically seen big dips due to vacations. Operational expenses have also remained in line with expectations. Your ongoing generosity and faithfulness have kept WPC on solid ground.
Together, we are able to continue providing a strong witness to Christ's Grace, Peace, Love, and Justice! 

Deacon's Picnic

The Deacons are hosting their annual Picnic on Sept 8th at 11:30 am!
There will be food (bbq sandwiches, baked beans, potato salad), petting zoo, face painter, and a chance to dunk Landon in the dunk tank! There will be games and activities for both old and young.
Come join us at this fun and free event to kickoff the start of the fall! Please register so we can prepare a place for you!

Midweek Manna

Midweek Manna begins Wednesday, September 11th! We will begin with an optional (and incredible) dinner to feed your body at 5:15pm. At 6:00pm feed your soul with “How the Bible Came to Be,” taught by Rev. Landon Whitsitt. During the same time, kids 4th-12th grade will have some fun, fellowship, devotion, and service time together in the Youth Room, and our younger kids will enjoy “Bible Blitz,” where they will learn all about the bible!
Dinner is $10 for adults and $5 for kids, and we ask that you please register for dinner by Monday each week!

Congregational Meeting 

The Session has called a congregational meeting for Sunday, September 15th at the conclusion of the 10:30am worship service to discuss and vote on the potential sale of the Rockwell Campus. Please plan to attend. 

Women's All Circle Dinner

Westminster has several women's circles which gather for fellowship and Bible Study. Joining a circle is a way you can participate in Christian community, deepen your partnership with God and other women, and contribute to a world of justice and peace. All women of the church are welcome to join a circle! Join us for dinner here at the church on September 17th at 5:30pm to hear what each circle has to offer.
Please register for the dinner if you plan to attend. Cost - $15. 

Men’s Event - Bad Axe Throwing 

Come connect with other guys in the church with fellowship and friendly competition! Join us on September 19 on 6:00pm for two hours at Bad Axe Throwing, located at 1201 West Reno Avenue Suite A. The church will cover all activity costs and provide an appetizer, and beverages are provided individually. Please register if you’d like to attend, as space is limited.

Inquirer’s Class 

Are you interested in exploring what membership at Westminster Presbyterian Church means or learning about what it is to be a Presbyterian? If so, you are invited to attend our five-week Inquirers Class on Sunday mornings starting September 22nd at 9:30am in the Parlor. This class offers you an opportunity to explore life and membership at Westminster, and the history and beliefs of the Presbyterian Church (USA). 

Blessed Stanley Rother Shrine Tour

Come tour the Blessed Stanley Rother Shrine in South Oklahoma City! If you’d like to attend, meet at the shrine in the rectangular building on Monday, September 23rd at 10:00am for a 90-minute guided tour of the museum and church. Afterwards, we’ll have lunch at Cafe Antigua (self-pay). 

Youth CONNECT Event 

Youth, come meet and make new friends from around the state as we gather in service at Urban Mission on September 28th from 10:00am-12:30pm, and then move to First Presbyterian Church of OKC for lunch, games, and fellowship! This promises to be an amazing day of CONNECTION with new friends and our community. Let's spread Christ's Grace, Peace, Love, and Justice together!
Please register to help us plan for transportation!

Elk Bugling Hike 

Come out to the Wichita mountains for a family-friendly late afternoon hike on Saturday, October 5 at 3:30pm! We hope to hear "bugling," the high-pitched elk mating calls from bull elk. This outing is fun for all ages, hikers and non-hikers alike! We’ll meet at WPC at 3:30pm, then convoy to the trailhead parking at the Sunset picnic area. The hike will conclude before 7:00pm, and all are invited to eat dinner together at Riverside Café in nearby Medicine Park. 

Under the Christmas Tree

An Alternative Christmas Market
This special Christmas Market offers will feature a variety of home-made, handmade, and fair-trade items, including gifts for purchase from many local non-profit organizations.  The market will be held on SATURDAY, November 9, 9:30am-3:30pm.
We are looking for vendors and nonprofits to offer products. Booth cost is $25 per table for bakers, crafters, artisans of any disciple, and $10 per table for non-profits.

Communion at Home 

All are welcome at Christ’s table, and if you cannot make it to church we will bring Christ’s table to you. The WPC Deacons provide an extension of the table to those unable to gather at church for communion when homebound, in the nursing home, hospital, or for any reason. Let us know if you are in need of this service here, or by calling the church. 

Youth Nights

On the first Wednesday of every month from 6-8pm we will gather for WPC Youth Nights! Come hang with Amber and Scott and enjoy a night full of fun and fellowship.
Dinner is provided. 

Order your WPC Sweatshirt

Order your own Westminster Sweatshirt! 

Feed My Sheep

Feed My Sheep is a WPC Mission dedicated to feeding our neighbors in need.
Sign up to serve and join this incredible group that has made us
"The Church That Feeds People". 


See what’s going on this week in Children’s ministry! 

Worship Participation Form

Want to participate in worship?
Sign up to serve as an Acolyte, bake Communion bread, or be a Liturgist!


If you would like to order a new nametag with our new logo, you can do so at the front desk or online at www.wpcokc.org/signup. The price for a new nametag is $6.00.

Worship Flowers

Flowers in the Chapel and Sanctuary may be purchased to honor a loved one or special occasion, and your dedication will be mentioned in the bulletin. Please sign up to purchase and dedicate your flowers. (There are 2 vases each week at a cost of $60 each) 

Stack of Stones

Quarterly Newsletter for Westminster Presbyterian Church

Several times in the Bible, the people of God practiced stacking stones on top of one another as a reminder of how God blessed them and made their lives whole. This newsletter serves a similar purpose for Westminster as we chronicle the year and provide testimony to God's faithfulness.

We'd Love to See you

Join us at our upcoming events and service opportunities!