
Connecting · Seeking · Believing

Westminster is a strong and growing community of faith that will enable you to deepen your relationship with Christ and those around you.  Below, you will find opportunities to engage and fellowship and community. We can't wait to meet you!

Groups at Westminster

Westminster is a large church! However, within the church are several small, intimate communities. There is a place for you within these communities, whether you are seeking fellowship, study, creative outlets, service, or all of the above! Find your groups and enjoy the beauty of Christian community here at Westminster! 

Women's Circles

We have a variety of Women's Circles where you can connect with other women in the church! These circles provide connection, fellowship, and opportunities to serve Christ and one another!

Men's Groups

The men of Westminster gather in various groups to study the word, connect with one another, and more. 

Midweek Manna

Midweek Manna starts with food for your body with a delicious home cooked meal. Then feed your soul at your choice of spiritual formation offerings. We have a variety of classes for you to choose from, and nursery care for your littles!
Join us for our next round of Midweek Manna!
(April 24 - May 15)

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you! Fill out the form below to get started.